A History of Glen Anthony Simmental Stud
SEARCH BY SEASON : 2006-2007 | 2007-2008 | 2008-2009 | 2009-2010
It was while traveling through Europe in the late 1960’s that Tony and Glennis Thompson first sighted Simmental cattle in Switzerland, Austria and Bavaria.
On returning to New Zealand the Thompson’s settled initially in the Waikato where Tony began his professional career as a Veterinarian. There they farmed a small property and first registered the Glen Anthony Simmental herd No 299 in 1973 with a handful of crossbred cows and one imported purebred cow “Woolston’s Fasan”.
In 1974 Tony and Glennis relocated to Waipukurau in Central Hawke’s Bay where Tony joined a thriving Veterinary Practice and with Glennis set about replacing the crossbred herd with Purebred Simmental cows. These were mainly from the German Fleckvich breed of Simmentals. They included Glen Anthony Excel (by the great Hax) and Peastons Flora from the direct German importation of 1974 as well as cows such as Ballacosilley Gertrud, Glenturk Anna and Sundowner Raches Emmaline (to name a few) originally imported from the British Isles and acquired by Glen Anthony at dispersal sales here in New Zealand.
Initially the Glen Anthony stud was established on 230 acres (96ha) of rolling country eight kilometers east of Waipukurau. Here, the purebred herd had expanded to sixty cows by the late 1980’s. Excel’s son by Canadian Extra had topped the first North Island National sale at $2,500 and Gertrud’s son Newry topped the 1984 National at $17,000. It is amazing that it has taken a further 20 years for the stud to regain those “dizzy heights” with Glen Anthony Morven selling for the top auction price of $16,000 in 2004. Over those twenty years the stud has expanded to 500 acres and 120 to 140 breeding cows including 20 to 40 recipients carrying embryo transplant calves. Sires such as Dunmore Hansa, BBA Galant and Great Guns Ferdinand have played a significant role in the studs development along with the use of homebred bulls such as Aristocrat, Sargent Pepper and Guiness who have all been bred from the families originating from those foundation Fleckvich cows.
Glen Anthony has built up a reputation for breeding good framed cattle with plenty of fleshing. Low birth weights are not selected for. “Calving ease” is the main selection criteria. The stud aims to breed big females capable of easily calving up to 50kg calves if necessary. Sale bulls are scanned and ranked for overall muscle development by the Falkirk Index system.
Glen Anthony clients have built an enviable record in the commercial scene. Crossbred cattle from Glen Anthony bulls regularly top the weaner and yearling sales throughout New Zealand with Graham Williamson of Wairoa topping $1000 per head for weaner steers in 2002. Glen Anthony themselves topped the weaner market this year (2005) with cull stud weaner bulls selling for $755 or $2.35 per kilo.
Glen Anthony also has a reputation second to none in the show ring. They have been competing at A&P shows since 1978 and have built a tremendous record not only for their success but also for their willingness to support the A& P movement and promote the Simmental Breed by regularly showing a big team of up to 20 cattle. In New Zealand the major award for the supreme champion of all breeds is the Meat and Wool Cup. Glen Anthony over the last 15 years has probably won more of these awards at major shows than most other studs. For Glennis and Tony it is their weekend “pastime”.
“Sure beats the hell out of fishing!”
In April 2004 while on tour with the Simmental Society in Australia we saw a quality cow and calf at Rory and Patricia Murphy's Simmental Stud at Nundle just south of Tamworth N.S.W.
We thought a lot of the bull calf and indicated our interest to the Murphy's during the winter. He grew on very nicely and although November born reached 920kg liveweight by 16 months of age - Easter 2005. He went to the Sydney Royal Easter Show where he won Supreme Simmental Exhibit of the Show. Because of popular demand in Australia he was put up for sale. Tony traveled to Nundle in April that year and checked him out. He looked great. Plenty of width with muscularity. A great back line and well developed hind quarter. Plenty of softness, soundness and character.
The rest is history. GlenAnthony purchased Yardstick and he arrived safely in New Zealand in July 2005 and quickly settled in to the Glen Anthony routine. He is so even tempered - nothing ruffles him. A lovely kind eye, a quiet nature, excellent confirmation and beef qualities to die for. At 2 1/2 years of age he weighed in excess of 1200kg and stood 60cm at the hips. He has uniform thickness right through, scanning 144 sqcm for EMA with great depth and width in his hind quarters. He has that special softness that is associated with carcass quality yet scans only 5mm of fat over the rib and rump area.
In the show ring he was unbeaten in 2005 and 2006 winning Meat & Wool Cups at the New Zealand Royal at Hamilton in November 05, the Best of Beef at Feilding in March 2006 the Auckland Royal Easter Show 2006 and the N Z Royal in Christchurch in Nov. 2006. As well as this he was judged supreme exhibit of all stock entered, including dairy, pigs, sheep, alpacas and horses at the N.Z. Royal 2005, the Auckland Royal Easter Show 2006, the N.Z.Royal 2006 and again at the Royal Easter Show 2007, an amazing achievement.
From Glen Anthony's viewpoint success was enjoyable but the most satisfying aspect of showing was the way the beef experts accepted and commented on Yardstick's beef qualities and conformation. The complimentary comments of breed judges, breeders from other breeds and commercial people alike were encouraging and very much appreciated. Yardstick's progeny have proven to be all we expected. They have good temperaments, their fathers kind eye and facial markings and excellent carcass qualities. Already they have impressed our peers who have stood as cattle judges at the 2008 Autumn shows. Yardstick progeny from three different studs have dominated allbreeds calf and yearling classes at Feilding Best of Beef 2008 and 2009, and the Auckland Royal Easter Show
2008. Glen Anthony Tundra won both yearling bull classes and was runner-up in the Meat and Wool Cup at the Auckland Royal Easter Show, and this year another yearling bull Glen Anthony Utah won the Meat & Wool Cup at the Fielding Best of Beef Show.
Yardstick is still a Trans Tasman trait leader for 600-day weight and is definitely making his mark on the Simmental breed in Australia and New Zealand.
2006 - 2007 SEASON
What a challenge. A poor spring with quality meadow hay proving very difficult to find. Then a moist early summer followed by the long dry that has gone on and on. No amazing recovery in the Autumn as happened in 2006! Thanks to Simon Reisma of Te Awa Road for taking on forty cows and calves at the end of January. Helped us to get through at home on the little rough feed we had left.
We have been feeding out now since March. We have used up all our own balage and that which we purchased from Norm Wiley and acquired through Steve McCutcheon back in the spring. From there on we have had to buy, buy, buy. Thanks to Hawkes Bay Farmers transport and Kesty Manning for helping with the many unit loads of hay and baylage that we have had to buy in from Feilding.
A special thanks to Don Foster for his enthusiasm and encouragement. Don helped us source baylage in the Waikato and has taken on half our herd of yearling bulls to graze on his farm at Huntly.
Congratulations once again to Graham and Denise Williamson for topping the weaner fair at Stortford Lodge. Graham is passionate about his Simmental cattle and ultra skilled in presenting his weaners in the best condition at the right time—Well done.
2006-2007 SHOWS
An amazing year. We thought we had done it all the previous year with the great success at the NZ Royal show in Hamilton (Nov 05) and again at the Easter Royal show in Auckland (April 06). Not so! Along comes October 2006 and the Hastings A& P show. It was great. Over seventy Simmental entries! A whole ring full of yearling bulls. A magnificent Simmental Display. Congratulations to all those breeders who went to the trouble to participate .
Next Up November 2006. With help of a truck leant to us by Kerry and Linda Nankervis and a truck driver in the person of Don Foster from Huntley we had our own ‘Convoy’. With two trucks and Sue Wyley’s ute with horse float in tow we set off to Christchurch for the NZ Royal Show.
We took Monried Yardstick, now just three years of age, a senior cow and calf, two two year old cows and calves, two yearling bulls and three yearling heifers together with Sue’s yearling bull and Don Foster’s yearling heifer—total of 14.
We drove down to Wellington through wind and rain that ripped our covers about. Across the strait on a lovely calm voyage and stayed at Blenheim for the night. The next day, the long haul to Christchurch where we bedded a tired lot of cattle down at Canterbury Park Sale Complex.
What a wonderful few days. In the breed section we won every event except the yearling bull class and then went on to win the Champion Royal Interbreed heifer class, and the Champion Interbreed pairs. The Timperley family’s Haylands Rupert won the interbreed yearling bull class and went on to win the Junior Meat & Wool Cup. Then Yardstick came through to successfully defend his title and won back to back NZ Royal Show Meat & Wool Cups. What a tremendous thrill.
The final day featured the all breed competitions with up to thirty five entries in each class and Bruce McKenzie standing as the senior judge.
We won every class except the yearling bull (Rupert first and Sue second) and yearling pairs class in which we couldn’t field a matching pair. Don Foster helped complete our sweep of first placings when Glennis paraded his yearling heifer to win the All breeds class against tough opposition. What a day! What a show! But wait—there is more.
The good weather finally broke and in the rain and gathering gloom I paraded Yardstick in the main arena in front of the Members stand to win the Supereme Champion Animal of the show. Over all the champions of the other sections including hunters, hacks, ponies, sheep, goats, pigs, dairy cattle, alpacas, and llamas. What an amazing achievement—just marvellous! To cap it all off we purchased Hayland’s Rupert and brought him home with us “If you cant beat him, you might as well buy him”.
2007-2008 SEASON
The following spring and early summer were trying. After an early spring flush, we were just beginning to enjoy having grass again when another dry hit us. owing to the lack of stock on some farms - we were able to secure new season’s hay and silage. Thank you to Peter Ebbett, Richard Hilson, John Stevens, Di Murphy, Paul Stitjens and Fionna Paterson of Blackburn road, and Charlie Pattison of Waiwhero for supplying hay and silage this season.
At least we were able to get in a good stockpile of supplementary food early this year before the Waikato driven price rise occurred.
“Drought survival mode” for Glen Anthony has included:
- Putting our 2007 mating date back one month.
- Culling everything and anything in the herd that wasn’t absolutely necessary to keep. (First time we have put weaners in the works).
- Finding grazing, initially for the cows and calves prior to weaning thanks to Charlie Pattison, and then since weaning for sixty cows at Te Aute thanks to Ray and Gordon Falcon.
- Feeding out hay and silage once again from early April. It is going to be a long winter at this rate.
The biggest problem group of cattle are the rising two year olds including this year’s sale bulls. They have come through a summer-autumn drought on their mums last year, followed by a winter drought after weaning and now another summer drought leading up to this year’s sale. Some of them put no weight on last winter and are struggling again this summer.
What is the secret to maintaining a stud herd through a drought? Money, money, money. Thank goodness I have an off farm income to help pay for the supplementary feed and off farm grazing.
What of the future? How many dry years in a row can we survive huge farming loss? How many years can we afford to prop up our farming operation? We are already down sizing our herd numbers and will calve less than 100 cows this year! The immediate future looks a little daunting - all at a time when exciting new genetics are arriving in the stud.
2007-2008 SHOWS
The 2006-2007 season was a hard act to follow. What do you do after such a successful year? Stay at home and rest on your laurels? “Hell No” - that’s not the Glen Anthony way. What a challenge this season - just to get cattle into show condition with drought all around us!
No extra this year—only a few exhibitors with Glen Anthony’s large team dominating. The great thrill was the success of Yardstick progeny in the yearling classes. Glen Anthony Tundra continued the success he enjoyed as a calf at the Auckland Royal Easter Show 2007 and Sue Wylie showed her lovely Yardsitck heifers with great success.
How sad it was in the Male Championship event to have Yardstick, Hayland’s Rupert and Yardstick’s son Glen Anthony Tundra all in the ring at the same time - three of the best examples of a Simmental four year old, a two year old and a yearling bull that you would see anywhere in the world and only three or four spectators watching! - What have we got to do to attract the farming public back to enjoying the sight of good beef cattle at our A & P shows?
Yardstick defended his championship title and went onto win the Meat & Wool Cup for the third successive year at Hastings and Tundra, on the day, defeated Hayland’s Rupert to take Reserve Champion Bull.
We probably should have taken Glennis’ advice and not trekked to Christchurch this year. But, hell, Yardstick looked so well (a little leaner) his yearling cattle looked great and I had a score to settle with Mark Stevens with our two year old heifer. Hayland’s Rupert was out with the cows (where all good bulls should be in November) and so we left without him. We took Yardstick, and thirteen other cattle including two from Sue Wylie and a yearling bull of Don Fosters. We had two trucks plus Sue’s ute and horsefloat in convoy with Don going to lots of trouble to kit out his own truck for the trip this year. Sue and Graham were in the ute, Brenan Cure went with Don and I brought up the rear in the trusty Isuzu.
We attended the Blenheim A & P show en route tripling the normal beef cattle entries. While this was a great display of beef cattle for the show, disaster struck! Yardstick woke up lame in the hind quarter the morning after the trip from Hawkes Bay - my poor driving most likely - While he won the Meat & Wool Cup at Blenheim things didn’t bode well for the long trip to Christchurch.
We considered leaving him behind in Blenheim through the kindness of the Van asch family but decided to box on and hope that the few days. Rest in Christchurch prior to judging on the Wednesday would work in our favour.
Yardstick’s lameness did improve but he wasn’t his old bright self and the blizzard conditions on the Simmental breed judging day didn’t help. I can’t remember wearing so many layers of clothing under my Simmental uniform at any other show in my career. Our thin skinned North Is. cattle were buckled up like staples and the Australian judge who must have been feeling much the same had little sympathy for us. This year the southern cattle especially David Timperley’s older cow and Tony Partridges yearling bull absolutely trounced us even in the group classes which are usually one of our strengths.
Tony’s good young bull Ladburn Travolta went on to win the Junior Meat & Wool Cup and Haylands Nutmeg won the senior Meat & Wool Cup—another clean sweep for the Simmental breed. Yardstick did combine with Haylands Nutmeg to help win the Champion interbreeds pairs class.
On the final day of all breeds judging before another Australian judge Sue Wylie won the yearling Heifer Championship with her Yardstick heifer.
Both Tundra and Yardstick could only manage seventh in their respective classes and it was up to Cascade’s daughter Glen Anthony Riviera to salvage some of the Glen Anthony pride by winning the Two Year Old Championship and in so doing win the bet I had with Mark Stevens who could only manage second with his sister’s Angus heifer.
Yardstick stayed home from the Autumn Shows and in his absence our Two year old heifer Regina( Ibaroo Lady Di) won the Meat & Wool cup at Fielding best of beef and Yardstick’s yearling bull Tundra was runner up at the Auckland Royal Easter Show after being judged Supreme Champion Simmental. The big thrill came in the junior classes at Feilding Yardstick’s progeny were placed first, second, and third in both the bull calf all breeds class and the yearling heifer all breeds class, the three animals in each class coming from three different studs. In the Meat & Wool Cup Regina had to beat no less than three Yardstick progeny for the title.
At the Royal Easter Show in Auckland Sue Wylie won both the All Breeds Bull Calf Class and the All Breeds Yearling Heifer Class with Yardstick progeny and Tundra won the coverted All Breeds Yearling Bull Class. Tundra and Regina combined to win the Pairs Class, together with another Yardstick calf they won the group of three and with Sue Wylie’s help we went on to win the Breed Group also - a very successful show for Sue Wylie and Glen Anthony.
This summary of the A & P show season highlights how pleased we are with Yardstick’s progeny both in our own stud and in other studs where his semen was used. His rising two year old cattle both bulls and heifers are quite outstanding and in this sale catalogue there are no fewer than fourteen Yardstick progeny. These bulls have great temperaments, have their father’s kind eye and facial markings and in spite of the two droughts they have been through, they display Yardstick’s thickness and softness in their muscle pattern.
We recommend these bulls to you and hope that some stud breeders can make the time to come and see some of the best rising two year old bulls for sale in New Zealand this year.
2009 - 36 years of Simmental Breeding and still we survive.
Since 1974, the majority of our stud activity has centred on 230 acres of hard ‘shale’ country 8Km east of Waipukurau. In 1989 we expanded to a total of 500 acres with the acquisition of 270 acres of river flats at Onga. This allowed us to build our stud cow herd up to 150 breeding females.
Twenty years since then, with ever decreasing numbers of commercial beef breeding cows on the East Coast we find that we are only selling twenty bulls a year at auction. When we coupled this with the huge expenses involved in getting our cows through the first two droughts we began to think that we should down size our herd.
At this time—back in August 2008 we had a fantastic offer for our Onga Onga property. It all seemed too good to be true but inspite of the economic recession and the gathering gloom for dairy farmers the sale went through and so we are now the proud owners of only 230 acres.
After a mild winter with only two heavy rain periods that flooded our gullies and almost washed out Don’s crossing, we had a great spring. Lots of early grass meant plenty of cattle feed for our later calving cows.
Having been away grazing rough pasture at Te Aute until the end of June the cow herd was in great order and calved down well.
The first of the Hayland’s Rupert calves arrived this year. They had no trouble calving with an overall shorter gestation period than our other sires. Mostly solid red with good frame, these Rupert calves complimented the Yardstick progeny who continued to be stamped with Yardstick’s unique phenotype—head shape– goggles—quiet temperament correct conformation and well fleshed bodies even from an early age. A young bull calf AW24 is probably the best example— a lovely calf.
Our four point drought management plan worked well as measured by this season’s in calf rate. Altering the calving date, reducing numbers, winter grazing and the use of quality supplements produced better condition scores at calving.
This one major factor coupled with a good spring feed supply and plenty of bull power Newry, Yardstick, Rupert and Ruaview Scotch Tape meant we had one of our best mating seasons ever.
Thank goodness we got through that October-November period well because come December the ‘Rain Gods’ deserted us again. No more rain until a false Autumn in February when the whole farm sprung to life only to be dried out again by a further drought with no rain until the 11th of May—the morning of this years National Sale.
Drought three years in a row takes some beating!
At least we prepared well this season—buying in 200 bales of early silage and filling our barns with early spring hay. Our heartfelt thanks to Sue and Norm Wylie who took on the summer grazing of our heifers with calves at foot and now have our weaner heifers for the winter. We also would like to record our appreciation of Ed White’s generosity in grazing our mixed aged cows and calves over the dry summer at Barnsdale and following up by grazing these cows on into the winter—just fantastic—thanks Ed.
The rising two year old bulls have been at home on our drought country where they have survived on a diet of good quality silage. They have come through pretty well and we are delighted to present them to you for sale.
As long as A & P Associations put on Beef Cattle competitions we will support them, with as large a number of cattle as we can manage!
Alas the interest of the rural community in A & P Shows in general and this sort of beef cattle display in particular is sadly waning.
Hand in hand with this trend is the waning of enthusiasm of other stud breeders to display their cattle this way.
In the future it is obvious that the only beef cattle left at A & P shows will come from hobby farmers and lifestyle blocks with a swing towards Highland Cattle and the smaller breeds.
Can you blame the farming community for losing interest in beef cattle showing?
Sue Wylie and Glen Anthony Simmental Studs dominated the Hastings Spring Show with Yardstick yearlings from both studs performing well. Glen Anthony introduced their new acquisition Ruaview Scotch Tape to the show team. He has a fantastic temperament and settled in well. He soon got into the routine and proved himself to be an outstanding exhibit winning the Meat & Wool Cup ahead of a strong line up of young Yardstick cattle and a good exhibit of Gelbvieh cattle brought down by Sandy Stewart all the way from Raglan.
The Fielding Best of Beef Show was a great success for the organisers, the Murray Grey breed and ultimately Glen Anthony Simmentals.
Cattle numbers were up and the quality of the exhibits prompted Bruce Orr to remark that “in at least two or three classes the quality and numbers entered, rivalled the New Zealand Royal Show in Canterbury.”
Of the seven interbreed classes competed for, the Murray Grey breed won 4 and Glen Anthony won 3.
In the final analysis Glen Anthony Utah, one of the Outstanding Yearling Bulls of the season, went on to win the Meat and Wool Cup.
A disastrous entry of beef cattle for this year’s show was averted by a truck and trailer load of Hawkes Bay Simmentals from Glen Anthony and Ratalea supported by Cornwall Park and Don Foster of Huntly together with a good entry of Belgium Blue cattle from Lockwood Smith.
While the show lacked huge numbers it did not lack quality and the Glen Anthony—Ratalea team was sorely tested by an excellent line up of smaller framed high quality Gelbvieh cattle.
While the Gelbvieh cattle won a majority of the interbreed classes our cattle held their heads high with wins in the Senior cow and Senior bull classes and Ruaview Scotch Tape going on to win his second Meat and Wool Cup.
2009-2010 SEASON
It is now a proven fact, well grown, well presented SIMMENTAL cattle are unbeatable in the Sale Ring. Up to $100 per head is the premium being paid.
Congratulations again this year to Graham Williamson for an outstanding line of Simmental steers that topped the Stortford Lodge early weaner fair at $960 - great stuff.
Congratulations also to Andrew Tweedy who sold an outstanding line of two year old Simmental cross steers at Stortford Lodge last Spring for $1300 or $2.20 per kilo liveweight. These were purchased by the Butler family of Tikokino. Owen Butler specially invited me out to view these cattle, he was so pleased with his purchase. I had to fully agree with him as the line of steers looked really magnificent.
2009 –2010 SEASON
A marvellous early spring after a wet winter. Lots of mud on the home farm with all the cows back from grazing at Barnsdale. We sure do miss the Onga block in wet times. The flats of river bed stones were a great wintering pad for the cows.
Although we under foot, calving went well with our first calves not arriving until July. The early Rupert-Farina ET calves were exciting with a heifer calf AX 15E and a bull calf AX 9E the ones to watch for the future. After the July rush of ET and heifer calvings things slowed up and it seemed to take for ever for the mixed aged cows to finish calving.
Although wet had a good bank of feed for the lactating cows, cycling was slow and few cows with calves at foot came forward for early AI. Luckily the yearling heifers and carry over two year old heifers (drought calves) performed well and held to AI in the first twenty two days.
To speed things up, mating was handed over to the bulls and Rupert, Ruaview Scotch Tape and Newry were called on to do their stuff.
October grass growth into November was fast and furious with many farms around us turning into early hay paddocks owing to the lack of stock (especially cattle) following the droughts. And then the dry hit again - lovely weather for hay making. Late November and December were extremely busy months for hay contractors with the early spring surplus being turned into silage and hay. It is the first time for years that we had our full compliment of supplementary feed bought in, wrapped, and stacked safely away before Christmas.
On the home farm the bull mobs on rotation were quickly running out of feed as recovery rates slowed dramatically.
Norm and Sue Wyley and Richard Hilson came to our rescue again. The Wyley’s farm had a spring explosion with hay paddocks everywhere and so in November Rupert’s entire mating mob were trucked out to Ashley Clinton relieving the pressure at Home.
In December the bulls were withdrawn and the cow mobs divided into those with bull calves and those with heifer calves. One mob stayed with the Wyleys’s for the summer the other went to Richard Hilson’s property to graze beautiful cattle tucker that resulted from acquisition of extra land not yet grazed this spring.
Just goes to show that we can retain a relatively large herd of stud cows on a small farm providing we can get ‘Off farm’ grazing when we need it and can afford to buy in heaps of hay and balage. Thank goodness for an off farm income.
Dry December! Where to Now? Another long drought? No - nearly 200mm of rain in January - absolutely unusual and as it turned out not very helpful. The grass did grow, it was initially green and soft, it then turned blue, then grey, then brown as the rust built up and a new dry period developed—NO MORE RAIN until well into MAY. Summer saved grass became Autumn grass. Young cattle were weaned onto a mixture of rank, brown unappetizing Summer remnant and struggling new growth Ryegrass staggers throughout Central Hawkes Bay has never been so bad.
This dry Autumn even hit the usually wet areas west of Highway 50 and the cows had to leave their Summer grazing. Luckily Ed White was able to help and we had the luxury of weaning the herd in his cattle yards and leaving forty cows at Barnsdale for the ‘Autumn’. Thanks again Ed.
All this time the young bulls have had a rotation in the moist gulleys of the home farm especially fenced up for the purpose. On a diet of a little fresh green and a lot of brown rusty rank grass they have come through pretty well. They are now on Summer saved pasture with ad lib baleage leading up to the sale.
Not a vintage year for Glen Anthony. We still entered a team of fifteen cattle at Hastings, Feilding and Auckland and while we won a lion’s share of the prizes through weight of numbers we didn’t quite rise to the high standards that we set ourselved.
Highlights would have to be the performance of the Yardstick Yearling Bulls Westerley and Waterford and the emergence of a new young bull ‘out of the paddock’ in Glen Anthony Warwick by Yardstick from a Macho Man cow AP 104.
The Rupert yearling heifers promised much in the Spring with Whitney catching the judges eye at the Hastings show where she was runner up to a two year old Galbvieh bull in the Meat and Wool Cup.
The January rain didn’t exactly help our show team in that our yearling heifers put on a huge growth spirt and for the first time I can remember were too big and fat at the Autumn shows - Whitney weighed over 700kg at the Royal Easter Show in Auckland.
The outstanding yearling bull Glen Anthony Westerley by Yardstick from Marina won the ‘Meat and Wool Cup’ at Feilding and will be the first Yardstick son to be retained in the herd.
The beef competition this year became another three way battle between
Glen Anthony, and Sue Wyley’s Simmentals, Lockwood Smith’s Belgium Blues and Jacky Stewart’s Gelbvieh Cattle.
Sue Wyley won the prestigious Female Performance Class with an outstanding productive unit of two year old heifer and heifer calf, Glen Anthony Nina won the Senior Cow Class, Ruaview Scotch Tape the Senior Bull, Praise’s bull calf won his interbreed and we carried off most of the group classes. In the Meat and Wool Cup Scotch Tape was substituted by Nina and she came a close second to the two year old Gelbvieh heifer who had an outstanding heifer calf at foot.
BEEF EXPO 2010: The outstanding performance of the Year
Tuesday 18th May What a day!
Two bulls stood out from the crowd: Glen Anthony Waterford - Champion Simmental, Glen Anthony Warwick Reserve Champion Simmental. Both showing Yardstick’s outstanding attributes of thickness, softness and capacity. Warwick went on to sell to David and Jane Timperley for $7,500. Waterford is still for sale as a stud bull.
Then Glen Anthony Xcess, not yet a yearling heifer weighing 480kg and led by Ashley Dingley, sold for the top price so far this year for a stud female of $6,200. to Brian Aldridge of Lincoln, Christchurch.
What a thrill to have our whole team involved. Sue Wyley winning the best Leaders Trophy, Glennis leading her heifer and hoping all the time that it wouldn’t be sold (wish granted), Ashley leading the Champion Heifer expertly and Amey Hoogenbloom doing her own thing in the steer class winning The Lightweight European section both on the hoof and on the hook - Congratulations!
Thanks to Merial and the Ancare brand for their generous sponsorship.
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Glen Anthony Warwick | Glen Anthony Xcess |
Thanks to Craig Chapman of Straight Furrow for these excellent stud photographs.
To cap the day off Glennis and I attended the Steak of Origin gala dinner as finalists. What excitement when we went on stage to win The European section with a sirloin steak from a 20 month Simmental heifer that had wintered over with Norm and Sue Wyley - FANTASTIC!
Just shows our breeding programme is not only producing beef cattle that look good they also taste good as well!